Best practices for multi tenant data center migration
The purpose of this eBook is to help you gain an understanding of the physical infrastructure, design requirements and strategic considerations that must precede a successful multi tenant data center deployment. For all the advantages possible from a multi tenant data center migration, it’s equally possible to realize negative results if these practices are not observed.
For this reason, CommScope has teamed with data center industry expert Donough Roche from Datacentrs, Inc. and other industry leaders in our Multi Tenant Data Center Advisory Board to offer this eBook, Get the Most from Your Host. This eBook addresses best practices in the stages of planning, designing, migration and Day Two operations of an enterprise’s data center assets in an multi tenant data center environment.
Explore the chapters below to learn more about best practices for each stage of developing a multi tenant data center.
1. Defining IT requirements
2. MTDC planning and what to ask for
3. Migration planning
4. Define scope/RFP to the MTDC
5. Designing a successful migration
6. Data center fit-outs and installation
7. Migration
8. Day 2 operations